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Denver Dog Park Etiquette

When you are visiting your nearest (or furthest) dog park certain etiquette rules apply. Nothing more than general common sense but keep these things in mind on your next dog park visit!

Pick Up Dog Poop Please

It's a good rule of thumb to always pickup your dog's poop. As gross as it is, it's better to remove it even at dog parks. It keeps your outdoor experience that more enjoyable both for you and your dog. Weird topic great site is here .

No Angry Dogs

Dog parks are a great place to socialize your dog. However if Fido has a bit of an anger problem keep him on a leash at the park until it is resolved. Also think about taking him to a trainer. Many behavioral problems are correctable with proper training

No Sick Dogs

Please...please...please immunize your dog. Nobody wants their dog sick so please immunize them before bringing them to the park. If they are not fully immunized yet then hold off until they are.